Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tightwad Tracey-Syrup

This may not sound like we are health food junkies and I don't claim to be.  I like to take shortcuts.  Who doesn't?  My confession...I buy frozen waffles...All the time.  I love the chocolate chip ones, of course I do.

My tip for today...make your own syrup.  It is soooooo easy.  And it tastes so good, even my kids like it.

No, I don't tap my maple trees and all of that.  I wish I could, but then where is the shortcut there.

What do I do, you ask?  Well for starters, I bought a small bottle of maple flavoring.  You can find it where you buy vanilla extract.  On the back of the box are two recipes.  I use the one with sugar, not because I am afraid of corn syrup but because I like my syrup to be thin and the corn syrup one says it will be thick.

Here is the recipe....
Pour one cup boiling water over two cups sugar.  Add 1/2 teaspoon maple flavor and stir.  Makes 2 1/4 cups.  EASY!!!

I make it in a quart mason jar.

Until next time, stay blessed.

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