Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Watch Out for Burglars

I've been thinking about the verse from John 10:10  "The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy;  I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly".

Have you ever been robbed?  I haven't had my house broken into but I have had credit card information stolen and it was extremely traumatizing to me.  It took months before I felt "safe".  It seemed like at the time, every time I would turn around I would be getting another phone call from our credit card company asking if we had made this purchase or that one.  I would dread the phone ringing.

Why don't we feel like that when we allow our time to be stolen or our relationships or our peace, what about joy.  Sometimes these things can be taken away because of good things, like service projects or church or fellowship.  We can even steal them from ourselves.  I know that I can often steal my own joy by talking to myself about all of my shortcomings.  I guess you say I have a good ole fashion pity party.  I won't operate in the gifts that God has given me because I feel like someone might make fun of me or that I won't do something right and fail.  Maybe someone is better than me so why even bother.  Those are my pity parties, sounds fun doesn't it.  Of course pity parties take time and they can destroy relationships if we stay in them too long.

Well Jesus said himself that He came so that I might have life and  have it abundantly so I am going to try to have that abundant life and quit with pity parties and stealing from myself and I am going to quit letting the thief steal from me.  I am setting up an alarm system (the blood of Jesus) and will let that be my covering and I will read the manual for the system (the Bible) and I will be in constant communication with the service department (prayer). 

On a different note, our co-op met again this week and discussed couponing again.  One of the women brought up the ap for iphone and ipod called shopshop.  It is free and if you have one of those devices download it.  It is awesome and really easy to use.  Next week I think we are going to exchange crockpot recipes and ideas.  I would say that we will probably talk about couponing every week because it is so much fun to sit and look at sale papers together and get a good idea of what good prices are.

 Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Tracey,

    Good word about robbers, and time/life thieves--especially the part about stealing from yourself by negative talk and thoughts. Thanks for sharing!

