Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Get Your Aprons On!

And your socks and shoes.  Arm yourself with a cup pot of coffee and a bottle of water.  Make sure all your cleaning supplies are at arms length and get busy.  That's right, it's that time of year again, Spring Cleaning.  This year I am following a plan with my friend Charli at wvurbanhippie and a new group of friends at Treasures from a Shoebox for 31 Days to Clean. Having a Martha House the Mary Way by Sarah Mae .  

So here is what is in store for this week:
Day 1:  (yesterday)  Look over the book and get all the supplies needed.
Day 2:  (today)  Kitchen:  Clean out the fridge and freezer and wipe the outside.
Day 3:  Kitchen:  Dust the tops of the fridge, cabinets, shelves and whatever else has a top and clean the outsides of the cabinets.
Day 4:  Kitchen:  Clean the dreaded oven and microwave.

I will post some before and after shots later.  

You can download the book here if you want to join.

Well, I need to get off of here and get busy or nothing will get done.

Get busy and stay blessed!


  1. Love me some 31 days to clean, my house desperately needs it at the moment. I just got done with a major project and let's say things got a little crazy : )

    I'd love for you to link up with my blog, http://www.lessonsfromivy.com/2012/04/being-content-in-mothering.html

  2. Awesome. This has been on my heart to do a little bit at a time! I downloaded the sample on my Kindle. Sorry I missed last week, I mixed up my doctor's appt. date!
